The Physical Healing Body Creams, Gels, Oils, Salve, and Oral Tinctures, have been exclusively signature Essences since 2000. As an Intuitive Energetic Practitioner, these heal within the cellular level. Testimonials from clients are and have been for each product, with different physical alignments (each person is unique in healing).
Physical Healing Collection is exclusively handmade with Australian Certified Organics and Therapeutic Grade Aromatherapy pure essential oils, with ancient traditional healing. Physically promotes supporting the body aches, pains, muscular, nerves, skeletal, acidic built-up, digestive, respiratory, lungs, sinus, headaches, migraines, lymphatic system, hormonal, focus, insomnia, stress, imbalancement, inflammation, toxicity, aggravation, and weakness; hence organs, glands, joints, blood, body parts, our body systems.