
Native Peppermint Apotheca Black Tea

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71% Australian Organic Certified Approved Chemical Free Botanicals, the rest premium tisane.

In-House Exclusive Designed Tea Fusion, Brisbane, Australia. Sanso Cellular only uses ingredients with a proven record of safety, ethics, purity, and sustainability. Each Tea is taste tested, to ensure a palatte of delight.


Formulated with respect to the hidden wonders of our Australian soil, each botanical Tisane plant is grown here in our great land for the Tisane Botanic Collection.

A balance of premium black tea with our Australian Natives, with full-bodied tones that are refreshing and taste like Australian bush. Your body will feel pampered. Calms the stomach from indigestion, nausea, diarrhea, menstrual cramps, and flatulence. Supports the body in reducing blood cholesterol, blood sugars, high blood pressure, and premature aging. Formulated with this secret Australian wonders promoting calmness and relaxation. For body detoxification, this tea is ideal to be thought of at nighttime, allowing the body to heal while you sleep.

This particular black tea contains the important amino acid L-theanine, which increases the alpha activity in the brain, and hence improves levels of focus, alertness, and relaxation. It leads to a state of calmness, reducing anxiety, and stress and relaxing brain activity. Reduces memory loss due to the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory components, enabling to reduction of the risk of memory loss and inflammation of brain cells. Peppermint Gum derives from our South Australian-grown eucalyptus, with a smooth refresh of peppermint (different to herbal peppermint), supporting digestion, antifungal, and the immune system. Traditionally, the Aboriginals used peppermint gum to treat with decongesting and as a digestive aid. Improves concentration, and enhances liver function.

+ Aids in sleeping

+ Relaxing the body and mind from stress levels

+ Strengthens the immune system

+ Reduce memory loss and positive brain activity

+ Fights infection

+ Fever and flu, congestion

+ Enhance concentration

+ Contains anti-inflammatory properties

+ Supports digestion

+ Body detoxification

We acknowledge all the Indigenous People of Australia for being the Traditional Custodians of the many countries on this land we call Australia. We pay our respects to their Elders, Past, Present, and Emerging. Who has cared for this Land and has a deep connection to it over thousands of years and for many more.

The Key Heroes + *Camellia sinensis (black tea), *Myrtus (myrtle), *Eucalptus radiata (peppermint gum). Naturally sourced plant-derived infusion. *Australian Certified Organic Approved.

Native Peppermint Black Tea, Sanso Cellular Australia

Disclaimer: For educational purposes only. This information has not been evaluated and nor is it to attend to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any dis-ease. Can aid assistance for your own holistic healing, alternatively for metaphysical healing. We all heal differently. If you are pregnant, epileptic, have liver damage, have cancer of any description, or have any other medical problem, please seek medical advice to ensure your medical weakness. Our bodies vary in alternative healing, and we never heal the same as another, depending on your body and the toxicity.

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