
Single Essential Oil

The Ancient healing from over 5000 years plus, with purity in holistic Aromatherapy, where Sanso Cellular since 2000, handmade and In-House designing our exclusive collections. Purchasing premium quality from around the world, and the best grown environmentally the essence is derived botanically from the plant source flowers, stems, peels, leaves, bark, and resin. Certified Therapeutic Grade Premium Pure aromatherapy in single oils, of very high quality. There is no remodification in these oils to create a "stronger" aroma, and 100% purity.

Holistically, thousands of years ago, Aromatherapy Essential Oils were not internally digested, topically used like Cleopatra and her beloved frankincense in skin care. Sanso Cellular does state not to internally digest, unless highly professionally prescribed by a person fully qualified (not a quick Aromatherapy course online for free), like a Naturopath as example. Otherwise, the result is Aromatherapy Toxicity Poisoning that has resulted world wide with the trend in healing, including children and hospitalistation.

Many of my customers and clients have asked me what do I think about internal digesting aromatherapy oils, as an Intuitive Energetic Healing Practitioner myself since 2000, intensive study. I always ask them the question, "Do you know how your body health is internally?" Being 100% plant oils with powerful plant components, can and may cause more damage than good to your health, and may cause toxicity within you. Always confirm with a proper qualified Professional. I do not get "caught up" in the NEW trends, but only in the traditional understanding of healing. Traditional wording for Essential Oils, is Aromatherapy Pure Essential Oils since 2013. Essential Oils, is the newer word that is approved to call all oils including oils in candle making (plant-derived if stated), as essential oils being plant sourced. Do no confuse this with traditional Pure Essential Oils. These are not the same in quality for healing.