
Slim Cleanse Detox Apotheca Black Tea

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61% Australian Organic Certified Approved Chemical Free Botanicals, the rest premium tisane.

In-House Exclusive Designed Tea Fusion, Brisbane, Australia. Sanso Cellular only uses ingredients with a proven record of safety, ethics, purity, and sustainability. Each Tea is taste tested, to ensure a palatte of delight.


Filled with flavour with premium quality black tea infused with the hidden wonders from the Himalayan.

To enable the body to decrease swelling, and detoxify, the stomach, liver, and kidneys, while reducing blood sugar and helping to break down fat. Cleansing the digestive, for slimming, is also important to keep the kidneys from holding fluid retention. Contains fiber to help support the intestinal tract, and remove toxins. Ancient herbs are researched and recognised to kill cancer cells and bacteria while protecting the skin, liver, brain, heart, and blood vessels.

A power source of polyphenols found in antioxidants, which is known for its cancer prevention. contains a rich source of catechins and theanine compounds that support boosting weight loss, and are essential for the digestive system. From the lotus flower, is one of Chinese Traditional Medicine's most protected secrets with powerful healing properties. Highly beneficial for blood cleansing idealistic for bad cholesterol, levels the sugar for diabetics, and re-boots in healing the fatty liver. Lotus leaf is a must-have for detoxification.

+ Decrease swelling and detoxify

+ Reduces blood sugar

+ Helps to break down fat

+ Digestive and kidney cleansing

+ Fluid retention

+ Supports the intestinal tract and eliminates toxins

+ Organ protection

The Key Heroes + *Camellia sinensis (black tea),  **Nelumbo (lotus), *Mentha x piperita (peppermint), *Taraxacum (dandelion), *Rosa (rose petals).Naturally sourced plant-derived infusion. *Australian Certified Organic Approved.

Disclaimer: For educational purposes only. This information has not been evaluated and nor is it to attend to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any dis-ease. Can aid assistance for your own holistic healing, alternatively for metaphysical healing. We all heal differently. If you are pregnant, epileptic, have liver damage, have cancer of any description, or have any other medical problem, please seek medical advice to ensure your medical weakness. Our bodies vary in alternative healing, and we never heal the same as another, depending on your body and the toxicity.

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